My favourite places after a month in Barcelona

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1. Barceloneta beach

Barceloneta beach is a beautiful place with good vibes. In October there can be pretty good waves so if you want, you can practice surfing. Now there is not as much people as in summer months so it’s a nice place just for a hangout.

2. La Maquinista

La Maquinista is outdoor mall in Barcelona. It is the biggest shopping mall in Catalonia. I think that tells enough why I like it. There are many restaurants and over 200 stores. It’s a shopper’s dream.

3. Tibidabo

Tibidabo is a place for all age groups. If you want to get a good exercise, you can just walk up there and if not, there are also train and bus you can take. On top of the hill you can find a Tibitabo Amusement Park. There you can enjoy great views and breathe fresh air.

4. La Rambla

If you want to see more hustle and bustle, go to La Rambla. You can find all kinds of things along the way from stalls to human statues. However, keep your bag close to you because there are a lot of pickpockets.

5. Escribá

Escribá is a coffee shop next to La Rambla. It is not just a coffee shop, it is the coffee shop where you can get the best coffee and croissant you’ve ever had. At least I think so, and I’ve heard that they have won some competitions too.